21 in 21

Summer makes me feel like a pop song. Like a Carly Rae Jepsen “I really really really really really REALLY like you” level pop song. Yeah, it’s hot and miserable, but there’s no denying happiness when the sun is in full effect. [An aside: it pours for 20 minutes every day around 4 p.m. here in Gainesville, a necessary evil for sure.]

What summer means for a lot of people is the time of year to try to get in shape, get that ~bikini bod~ that you can flaunt on the beach. Let me begin by saying this: you get a bikini body by putting your body in a bikini. Boom. Done. You’re beautiful when you’re healthy and happy and confident. That being said, I’ve challenged myself to pick up 21 new healthy habits for the next 21 days. I definitely indulged last night while writing this list, but vices will be vices. Here’s what’s on the menu:

1. Less coffee and sugar, more green tea and honey. Y’all, I live and breathe coffee. Hot or iced, first thing in the morning or around midnight last night (oops). But green tea is better, I know I know. This one will be rough.

2. Bed by 10:30 at the latest. My current sleep schedule is bed by 3 a.m., up at 9 a.m., nap at 7 p.m., up at 9:45 p.m., repeat. It’s the worst. Looking forward to this one.

3. No more Diet Dr. Pepper. 😦

4. Nine cups of water every day. We joke about how my sister has the smallest bladder, so when I told her about this one I said, “I’ll finally know what it feels like to be you and need to pee all the time!”

5. 30 minutes of exercise 5x per week, preferably in the morning. Being that I barely wake up in the mornings now with enough time to get a shower, I’m cutting myself some slack. We can all do 30 minutes a day, right? Hon?

6. Breakfast every morning. Another thing I don’t typically have time for, which is a shame because I LOVE breakfast foods. I just tend to eat them in the afternoon.

7. No electronics an hour before bed. I use my phone as my alarm which before has been just the excuse I’ve needed to keep it near me in bed. Bye, late night Twitter. I’ll miss you.

8. Cook every meal, every day. For a while right around graduation, I completely gave up cooking. But when I was running, I made 95 percent of my meals because I was more conscious of what I was eating. Time to get back into gear.

9. Floss every day.know you don’t floss every day. Don’t lie.

10. Clean your face every night. True Life: sometimes I go to bed with makeup on and it’s gross I know sorry everyone that had to see my face the next day.

11. Compliment someone each day. When someone compliments me, I feel like Beyonce. Shouldn’t we all be trying to make each other feel like Beyonce?

12. Write down ten things to be grateful for. Especially important for the hard, sad days. At the very least, be aware of your first world problems.

13. Keep it to two drinks, in or out. A challenge considering I have three bottles of wine patiently waiting at home. xoxo, Merlot

14. Stretch before bed. I can’t even remember the last time I saw my yoga mat. Miss you, bb.

15. Find something that makes you laugh/smile and share it with someone. Don’t keep those cackles to yourself.

16. Get rid of something you don’t need. Half a ploy to slowly declutter my life, half the realization that I’ll be packing my apartment anyway.

17. Put away a little money. Financially healthy = emotionally/mentally healthy, imo.

18. Wear sunscreen every day. Charlize Theron is nearly 40 and looks like a goddess and that’s probably because she wears sunscreen. Although, after watching Mad Max I’m still not convinced that we are of the same species.

19. Ditch the car when you don’t need it. Biking is a good way to get your exercise in and still get stuff done. Gotta get a helmet though because these Gainesville drivers do.not.play.

20. Clean as you go. One of my favorite Dad-isms. Never abandon a cup in my house because it will be washed, dried and put away before you know it. He is a machine. My only question is: Dad, what will I do with all of my free time this weekend?

21. Prioritize stress management. Anxious little thing that I am, I often let myself spiral and then wallow in worry and stress until some gracious friend is like HEY GIRL CALM DOWN IT’S GONNA BE OKAY. Maybe it’s time to cut them a break and learn to get zen.

I get that this is a bold attempt. Trying to make even one lifestyle change is a difficult feat. If a few or even one of these habits stick at the end of the 21 days, I’ll consider it a success. If summer makes you feel like a pop song and you want to try some (or all!) of these with me, give me a shout! Misery loves company.
